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HS Guidance Department

Ashleigh Tippmann
Ashleigh Tippmann

260-894-3191 x3012

Kelli Brown
Kelli Brown
School Counselor (Grades 11 & 12)
260-894-3191 x3011


Jennifer Flecker

Jennifer Flecker
School Counselor (Grades 9 & 10)
260-894-3191 x3005


Haley Fulkerson
Guidance Secretary

260-894-3191 x3010



Paid Internship Opportunity

This is a paid internship program in Wabash County. Participants don’t need to live in or be from Wabash County. It is for students who are in college only. See link below for more information.

WNHS Counseling Info


Skyward Family Access: Your Skyward account is a great source of information. You can find student grades, schedules, and lunch fees on Skyward. We suggest taking some time to familiarize yourself with the different tabs in Family Access. Please reach out with any questions you have in regard to Skyward.


 Counseling Staff:  The West Noble counseling department has made a few changes this year. Mrs. Flecker is now the academic and personal counselor for 9th and 10th grade students. Mrs. Brown has transitioned into the position of academic and personal counselor for students in grade 11 and 12; with Mrs. Tippmann continuing as the Coordinator of Guidance Services, spearheading dual credits, scholarships, the master schedule, and many other responsibilities related to the efficient running of the Guidance Office. Haley Fulkerson is our new Guidance Secretary and can assist with transcript and records requests.


Your school counselors are available to meet with students and parents for a number of reasons. School counselors provide assistance to students who are in need of individual academic planning and goal setting such as understanding diploma types or classes, planning for the future, applying to post-secondary programs, etc.  We are also available for students who are experiencing stress, anxiety, grief/loss, and a number of other major challenges and transitions.  We want to remind all students and parents that they can fill out a communication form to request an appointment with the school counselors or administrators.


Important Reminders:

● Seniors are permitted two excused individual college visit days. Juniors are permitted  one excused college visit day in the spring. The form for college visits is available in the Attendance Office. 

● Seniors should be working on  college applications now! Many colleges have a priority deadline of November 1st.  College applications should be completed BEFORE beginning most scholarship searches.  Many scholarships will begin their application processes in the months of November, December, and January.

● Students:  CHECK YOUR EMAIL EVERY DAY WHILE IN HIGH SCHOOL AND YOUR GRADE LEVEL GOOGLE CLASSROOM ONCE A MONTH! The most likely reason you will miss an important deadline or opportunity is that you have not checked your email regularly!  This is vitally important for seniors, but very important for all grade levels.


Join Codes for Google Classroom  (Parents/Guardians may also request access.)


Sophomores: lfhi5vf

Juniors: 7kcxjdp

Seniors: y3mqxn7

Google Classroom is where we post up-to-date information about senior scholarship opportunities!


●Please also  follow the West Noble Counseling instagram page for important information and updates throughout the  year!


Important Dates:


  • Parent/Teacher Conferences - Oct 2

(no school for students)

  • Fall Break – Oct 17 - 18   

(no school for students)

  • Flex Day - Nov 12


  •  Thanksgiving Break – Nov 27-29

(no school for students)  

  • End of Semester for WNHS and 

Winter Break–Dec 23 - Jan 6 

(no school for students)  (Jan 6 - staff only)

  • Flex Day - Feb 25


  • Spring Break - Mar 31 - Apr 4

(no school for students)  

  • Last Day of School - May 29

  • Graduation - June 8


Attendance Reminders

Please contact the attendance office in advance of a vacation. Those absences are unexcused but extra time allows for us to clearly communicate expectations to students. 



Spotlight Article: How to do well on test day!


Free Tutoring for WN Students IDOE has announced a partnership with to support students in grades eight through twelve with free tutoring for SAT preparation, math courses, and Advanced Placement (AP) courses. To learn more about these learning resources and to sign up for a tutoring session, visit or visit

Student Communication Request


Parent Communication Request



Need a copy of your transcript?

Order it through Parchment. It is the easiest, fastest, and most secure way to get a transcript to a college or for your own records.

Looking for scholarships?

Check the link under "Helpful Information" on the right side of the page or visit the link below.

Community Foundation of Noble County

Links for College Bound students:

Registering for the ACT test: 

Registering for the SAT test:


SAT and PSAT Practice:

College Cost Estimator:

Understanding your PSAT Score:

Planning for life after college and much more:

Mental Health:

Coping with the stress of COVID-19:


Overcoming Mistakes:

Positive Parenting: 

ASVAB Practice Sites: